9.Nicole Kidman With Her Sister Antonia

Throughout her childhood, Nicole Kidman was a shy person. What helped her overcome this, though, was acting. After some time performing and improving her newfound talent, Nicole was eventually encouraged to pursue a career under the spotlight. Well, with the gift of retrospect, it’s safe to say that acting, which once helped overcome her shyness, has since become an investment she’ll surely never regret.

Nowadays, Nicole is most known for her work in films such as Dead Calm, Batman Forever, The Hours, and Bombshell. Her younger sister, Antonia, also has a career under the spotlight, but not as an actress. Antonia is a TV presenter and journalist who has created shows such as The Little Things and Antonia Fitness Yoga. To make things even better, besides being considered lookalikes, the duo undoubtedly also love and support each other – just check out the pictures of them together!
